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Digital Media and AI Company Takes Initiative to Beautify Local Community

OMAHA, NE, July 13, 2024: 316 Strategy Group, a leading digital media and AI company, proudly announces the adoption and revitalization of the median on the north side of 114th and Center. This median, neglected for the past three years, has undergone significant cleanup and beautification efforts, showcasing the company’s commitment to community improvement.

a neglected median in Omaha

Over the past two weeks, 316 Strategy Group has diligently worked on this project, beginning with the removal of a truckload of debris including signs, hubcaps, liquor bottles, cans, paper, and various other trash items. The next phase involved pruning trees and removing unwanted roots. The final phase will see the planting of drought-resistant native Nebraska flowers and grasses, ensuring the median remains beautiful despite lacking access to water. 316 Strategy Group worked closely with landscaping professionals at The Grass Pad in Omaha, NE, who guided them on the best choices for native drought-resistant grasses and flowers.

a cart full of native nebraska grasses and flowers at Grass Pad in Omaha.

The community response to the project has been overwhelming. Dozens of cars have stopped, with drivers rolling down windows or pulling over to thank the volunteers for their hard work. The transformation of the neighborhood eyesore into a beautiful retreat for birds, bees, and butterflies has been met with widespread appreciation and support.

Joseph Kenney, founder of 316 Strategy Group, highlighted the critical role of community involvement in maintaining local areas. “It’s a work in progress,” Kenney remarked. “Those familiar with the median know the eyesore it has become, while newcomers may not notice the ongoing improvements. Our team is dedicated to making consistent and noticeable enhancements to transform this median into something beautiful. We are financing this project independently, without any external funding.”Kenney added, “Our hope is that drivers waiting at traffic lights think twice before discarding their cigarette butts, cans, or bottles.”

a median with beautiful native flowers and grasses in Omaha

This project was inspired by the late Joe Srb, who cared for the median from 1997 to 2017. Joe Srb never hesitated when he noticed something was needed in his neighborhood, such as caring for the flowers and trees on the median near his southwest Omaha home. Kenney recalls the kindness of Srb and willingness to give back to the community. He started cleaning up the trash and planting flowers and trees on that median to make the neighborhood nicer. 316 Strategy Group hopes to do the same.

Median Adoption significantly enhances Omaha’s beautification initiatives. While city workers manage hundreds of acres of medians, community support is often essential. Volunteers from 316 Strategy Group are committed to maintaining their adopted median in pristine condition, complementing the efforts of city crews.

About 316 Strategy Group: 316 Strategy Group is a digital media and AI company based in Omaha, Nebraska. The company specializes in leveraging cutting-edge technology to provide innovative solutions for businesses. With a strong commitment to community engagement and improvement, 316 Strategy Group strives to make a positive impact both online and offline.

CONTACT INFORMATION: Alejandra Marquez  [email protected]


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